Gillian Crozier

Professor of Philosophy

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Gillian Crozier is a Professor of Philosophy at Laurentian University, and a Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Environment, Culture and Values. In 2012, she co-founded Laurentian’s Centre for Evolutionary Ecology and Ethical Conservation, which brings together scientists and humanities scholars to address thorny questions regarding environmental conservation and species extinction. Her research lies in the philosophy of the life sciences, including bioethics and the philosophy of biology; ongoing projects include a multidisciplinary investigation of the ethics of ecological research, as well as a study of cultural evolution using computer simulations of bird song transmission. During her 2017-18 sabbatical (which brings her to Queens University), her research is focused on a SSHRC-funded project “Chimpopolis” (lead by PI Letitia Meynell and co-applicant Andrew Fenton, both at Dalhousie University), which explores the implications of Sue Donaldson and Will Kymlicka’s Zoopolis for chimpanzees and other nonhuman primates living in research laboratories, zoos, and sanctuaries.