Publications by A.P.P.L.E. Fellows

Every year fellows from the Animals in Philosophy, Politics, Law, and Ethics research group (A.P.P.L.E.) release a range of books, journal articles, chapters, and reviews.

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Publications by Year

Castelló, P. P. 2024. "Care as Method for Multispecies Ethnographies." In Chloë Taylor (ed). The Routledge Companion to Gender and Animals, Routledge, 267-281.

Castelló, P. P. 2024. With Haraway and Beyond: Towards an Ecofeminist and Contextual Vegan Ethico-Politics. Hypatia, 1-25.

Castelló, P. P. 2024. Why Seeing Is Not Believing and Why Believing Is Seeing: On the Politics of Sight. American Political Science Review, 1-11.

Donaldson, S. 2024 "Who Are We?" In K. Allado-McDowell et. al. (eds). Interspecies Futures, A Primer.

Hirtenfelder, C. T. 2024. Mother Cow, Mother India: A Multispecies Politics of Dairy in India: Yamini Narayanan. The AAG Review of Books, 19-22.  

Milburn, J. 2024. Relational animal ethics (and why it isn’t easy). Food Ethics9(1): 6.

Pepper, A. 2024. Discussion of Josh Milburn’s Just fodder: The ethics of feeding animalsFood Ethics9(1): 5.

Kymlicka, W. and Donaldson, S. 2024. Social Solidarity with Animals: The Case of Domesticated Animals. In Alasdair Cochrane and Mara-Daria Cojocaru (eds). Solidarity with Animals: Promises, Pitfalls, and Potential, 17-42.

Benz-Schwarzburg, J. and Wrage, B., 2023. Caring animals and the ways we wrong themBiology & Philosophy38(4):25.

Castelló, P.P. and Santiago-Ávila, F.J., 2023. Conservation after biodiversity: An analysis of Michael E. Soulé’s ‘What is Conservation Biology?’Biological Conservation287: 110313.

Donaldson, S. and Kymlicka, W. 2023. "Transformative Animal Protection". In V. Giroux, A. Pepper and K. Voigt (eds). The Ethics of Animal Shelters. Oxford University Press.

Donaldson, S. and Kymlicka, W. 2023. Doing Politics with AnimalsSocial Research, 90(4): 621-47.

Janara, L. and Donaldson, S., 2023. Animal Ghosts at Canadian Universities: The Politics of Concealment and TransparencyAnimals 13(24): 3760. 

Kymlicka, W., and Tam, A., 2023. “Being Popular and Being Just: How Animal Protection Organizations Can Be Both.” In K. Voigt, V. Giroux, and A. Pepper (eds) The Ethics of Animal Shelters (Oxford University Press, 2023),223-246.

Lopez, A., 2023. Nonhuman Animals and Epistemic Injustice. Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy, 25(1): 136-163. 

Siemieniec, P., 2023. Centering Animality in Law and Liberation: The Zoopolitics of Reclaiming the Animal in Personhood, Between the Species: 26(1)5.

Wrage, B., Papadopoulos, D., and Benz-Schwarzburg, J., 2023. Ubuntu in Elephant Communities. Journal of the American Philosophical Association. 1-22.

Castelló, P.P., 2022. The erasures of Peter Singer’s theory, and the ethical need to consider animals as irreducible othersPhilosophy Today66(3): 637-653.

Castelló, P.P., 2022. A Strategic Proposal for Legally Protecting Wild Animals. Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy25(2), pp.103-134.

Castelló, P.P., 2022. Zoolondopolis. Animal Studies Journal11(1):121-145.

Castelló, P.P. and Santiago-Ávila, F.J., 2022. Conservation after Sovereignty: Deconstructing Australian Policies against Horses with a Plea and ProposalHypatia37(1): 136-163.

Hill-Tout, K., Hirtenfelder, C., McMaster, K.E. and Herod, M., 2022. Who eats, where, what, and how? COVID-19, food security, and Canadian foodscapes. Gastronomica: The Journal of Food and Culture, 22(1): 11-19.

Hirtenfelder, C.T. and Prouse, C., 2022. Milking economies: Multispecies entanglements in the infant formula industryEnvironment and Planning E: Nature and Space5(3), pp.1296-1318.

Kymlicka, W., 2022. Membership Rights for AnimalsRoyal Institute of Philosophy Supplements, 91: 213-244.

Wrage, B., 2022. Caring animals and care ethics. Biology & Philosophy37(3):18.

Donaldson, S., Vink, J., & Gagnon, J. 2021. Realizing Interspecies Democracy: The Preconditions for an Egalitarian, Multispecies, World. Democratic Theory, 8(1):71-95. 

Hirtenfelder, C.T., 2021. Finding Kingston’s Animals: An Introduction and Guide to Animals in the Queen’s University Archives. (A guide).

Meynell, L. and Lopez, A., 2021. Gendering animals. Synthese, 199(1-2): 4287-4311.

Bachour, O., 2020. Alienation and animal labour. Animal Labour: A New Frontier of Interspecies Justice, pp.116-38.

Blattner, C.E., Donaldson, S., and Wilcox, R., 2020. Animal Agency in Community: A Political Multispeies Ethnography of VINE SanctuaryPolitics and Animals, 6: 1–22. 

Blattner, C.E., 2020. Secondary Victimization of Animals in Criminal Procedure: Lessons from SwitzerlandJournal of Animal Ethics 10(1): 1–32.

Blattner, C.E.,  2020. Should Animals Have a Right to Work? Promises and PitfallsAnimal Studies Journal 9(1): 32-92. 

Côté-Boudreau, F., 2020. “Capacitisme.” In Renan Larue (ed)." La pensée végane: 50 regards sur la condition animale, Presses Universitaires de France, 135-146.

Donaldson, S., 2020. Animal Agora: Animal Citizens and the Democratic ChallengeSocial Theory and Practice 46(4): 709-735. 

Donaldson, S., 2020. Animals and CitizenshipMinding Nature,  13(2): 22-27. 

Donaldson, S., 2020. “Les refuges d’animaux”, in La pensée végane: 50 regards sur la condition animale, edited by Renan Larue (Presses Universitaires de France, 2020), 479‑487.

Gibson, J., 2020. "Philosophy as a Way of Life" Available from the Blog of the APA, interviewed by Jeremy Bendik-Keymer. 

Guha-Majumdar, J., 2020. Lyons and Tygers and Wolves, Oh My! Human Equality and the ‘Dominion Covenant’ in Locke’s Two TreatisesPolitical Theory, 49(4):637-661. 

Healey, R. and Pepper, A., 2020. Interspecies Justice: Agency, Self-Determination, and AssentPhilosophical Studies, 178: 1223-1243. 

Hirtenfelder, C., 2020. “An Uncomfortable Future We Want.” Available from the Animals in Society blog.

Johannsen, K., 2020. Wild Animal Ethics: The Moral and Political Problem of Wild Animal Suffering Routledge. 

Johannsen, K., 2020. To Assist or Not to Assist? Assessing the Potential Moral Costs of Humanitarian Intervention in NatureEnvironmental Values 29(1): 29-45.

Milburn, J., 2020. Critical Terms for Animal StudiesEnvironmental Politics 29(6): 1120–1121.

Milburn, J., 2020, Should Vegans Compromise? Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 25(2): 281-293. 

Pepper, A., 2020. Political Agency in Humans and Other AnimalsContemporary Political Theory, 20: 296-317. 

van Patter, L.E. and Blattner, C., 2020. Advancing Ethical Principles for Non-Invasive, Respectful Research with Nonhuman Animal ParticipantsSociety & Animals, 28(2): 171–190. 

Bachour, O., 2019. “Alienation and Animal Labour.” In Charlotte E. Blattner, Kendra Coulter, and Will Kymlicka. Animal Labour: A New Frontier of Interspecies Justice? Oxford University Press, 116–138.

Blattner, C.E., 2019. The Recognition of Animal Sentience by the LawJournal of Animal Ethics, 9(2): 121–136.

Donaldson, S. and Kymlicka, W., 2019. “Animal Labour in a Post-Work Society.” In Charlotte E. Blattner, Kendra Coulter, and Will Kymlicka (eds).  Animal Labour: A New Frontier of Interspecies Justice? Oxford University Press, 207-227.

Fischer, B. and Milburn, J. 2019. In Defence of Backyard ChickensJournal of Applied Philosophy, 36(1): 108–123.

Gibson, J., 2019. Just Fanciers: Transformative Justice by Way of Fancy Rat Breeding as a Loving Form of LifeJournal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 32: 105–126.

King, S. et al (ed.)., 2019. Messy Eating: Conversations on Animals as Food. Fordham University Press.

Milburn, J., 2019. “Vegetarian Eating.” In Herbert L. Meiselman (eds). Handbook of Eating and Drinking: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Springer, 1-20.

Nguyen, N.H., 2019. Bird Play: Raising Red-Whiskered Bulbuls and (Re)Inventing Urban ‘Nature’ in Contemporary VietnamContemporary Social Science, 16(1):57-70. 

Pepper, A., 2019. Adapting to Climate Change: What We Owe to Other AnimalsJournal of Applied Philosophy, 36(4): 592–607.

Weisberg, Z., 2019. The Problem with the Personhood ArgumentASEBL Journal, 14(1): 33–36.

Blattner, C. E. 2018. Tackling Concentrated Animal Agriculture in the Middle East through Standards of Investment, Export Credits, and Trade. Middle East Law and Governance, 10(2): 141–159.

Donaldson, S. and Kymlicka, W.. 2018. “Children and Animals.” In Anca Gheaus, Gideon Calder, and Jurgen De Wispelaere (eds). The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Childhood and Children, 282–293. 

Kymlicka, W. 2018. Human Rights without Human SupremacismCanadian Journal of Philosophy, 48(6): 763–792. 

Kymlicka, W. and Donaldson, S., 2018. “Metics, Members and Citizens.” In Democratic Inclusion: Rainer Bauböck in Dialogue. Manchester University Press, 160–182. 

Kymlicka, W. and Donaldson, S., 2018. “Rights.” In Lori Gruen (ed). Critical Terms for Animal Studies. University Of Chicago Press, 320–336. 

Milburn, J. 2018. Death-Free Dairy? The Ethics of Clean MilkJournal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 31(2): 261–279.

Milburn, J. 2018. Nozick’s Libertarian Critique of ReganBetween the Species 21(1): 68–93.

Pepper, A. 2018. Delimiting Justice: Animal, Vegetable, Ecosystem? Les Ateliers de l’éthique / The Ethics Forum, 13(1): 210–230.

Van Patter, L., Tyler Flockhart, Jason Coe, Olaf Berke, Rodrigo Goller, Alice Hovorka, and Shane Bateman. 2018. Perceptions of Community Cats and Preferences for Their Management in Guelph, Ontario. Part I: A Quantitative Analysis. The Canadian Veterinary Journal / La Revue vétérinaire canadienne, 60(1):  41–47.

Van Patter, L., Tyler Flockhart, Jason Coe, Olaf Berke, Rodrigo Goller, Alice Hovorka, and Shane Bateman. 2018. Perceptions of Community Cats and Preferences for Their Management in Guelph, Ontario. Part II: A Qualitative Analysis. The Canadian Veterinary Journal / La Revue vétérinaire canadienne 60(1): 48–54.

Van Patter, L., and Hovorka, A.J., 2018. ‘Of Place’ or ‘of People’: Exploring the Animal Spaces and Beastly Places of Feral Cats in Southern Ontario. Social & Cultural Geography, 19(2): 275–295.

Weisberg, Z. 2018.“Thinking Big: Uniting Feminism and Animal Liberation in the Age of #MeToo and #Times Up.” Animal Liberation Currents (blog).

Blattner, C. E. 2017. Can Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Help Overcome Regulatory Gaps of Animal Law? Insights from Trophy Hunting. American Journal of International Law Unbound 111: 419–424.

Donaldson, S. and Kymlicka, W., 2017. “Animals in Political Theory.” In Linda Kalof (ed). The Oxford Handbook of Animal Studies. Oxford University Press, 43–64. 

Johannsen, K. 2017. Animal Rights and the Problem of r-StrategistsEthical Theory and Moral Practice, 20(2): 333-345.

Kymlicka, W. 2017. “Afterword: Realigning Multiculturalism and Animal Rights.” In Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues and Les Mitchell (eds). Animals, Race, and Multiculturalism. The Palgrave Macmillan Animal Ethics Series, Springer, 295–304. 

Kymlicka, W. 2017. Review of Garner and O’Sullivan (eds). The Political Turn in Animal Ethics. Rowman and Littlefield, 2016. Animal Studies Journal, 6(1): 175–181.

Kymlicka, W. 2017. Social Membership: Animal Law beyond the Property/Personhood Impasse. Dalhousie Law Journal, 40: 123–155.

Kymlicka, W. and Donaldson, S., 2017. “Inclusive Citizenship Beyond the Capacity Contract.” In Ayelet Shachar, Rainer Bauböck, Irene Bloemraad, and Maarten Vink (eds). The Oxford Handbook of Citizenship. Oxford University Press, 838-859. 

Lopez, A., 2017. ‘The Taming of Savagery’: Kantian Perspectives on Animal Embodiment and Human Dignity.

Milburn, J. 2017. Nonhuman animals as property holders: An exploration of the Lockean labour-mixing account. Environmental Values, 26(5): 629-648.

Milburn, J. 2017. “Robert Nozick on Nonhuman Animals: Rights, Value and the Meaning of Life.” In Andrew Woodhall and Gabriel Garmendia da Trindade (eds). Ethical and Political Approaches to Nonhuman Animal Issues. Springer, 97-120. 

Milburn, J. 2017. “The Animal Lovers’ Paradox? On the Ethics of ‘Pet Food.’” In Christine Overall (ed). Pets and People: The Ethics of Our Relationships with Companion AnimalsOxford University Press, 187–202.

Overall, C. 2017. “Throw Out the Dog? Death, Longevity, and Companion Animals.” In Christine Overall (ed). Pets and People: The Ethics of Our Relationships with Companion Animals. Oxford University Press, 249–63.

Pepper, A. 2017. “Justice for Animals in a Globalising World.” In Andrew Woodhall and Gabriel Garmendia da Trindade (eds). Ethical and Political Approaches to Nonhuman Animal Issues. Springer, 149-175. 

Pepper, A. 2017. Political Liberalism, Human Cultures, and Nonhuman Lives. In Cordeiro-Rodrigues, L., Mitchell, L. (eds) Animals, Race, and Multiculturalism. The Palgrave Macmillan Animal Ethics Series. Palgrave Macmillan,. 

Weisberg, Z.  2017.“Animal Assisted Intervention and Citizenship Theory.” In Christine Overall (ed). Pets and People: The Ethics of Our Relationships with Companion Animals. Oxford University Press, 218–233.

Weisberg, Z. “Reinventing Left Humanism: Towards an Interspecies Emancipatory Project.” In Andrew Woodhall and Gabriel Garmendia da Trindade (eds). Ethical and Political Approaches to Nonhuman Animal Issues. Springer, 121–148.

Bailey, C., 2016. Affection, comprehension et langage: L’être-au-monde animal dans les interpretations phénoménologiques d’Aristote du jeune Heidegger. Phénoménologie de la vie animale, 121-158.

Donaldson, S. and Kymlicka, W., 2016. “Comment: Between Wild and Domesticated: Rethinking Categories and Boundaries in Response to Animal Agency.” In Bernice Bovenkerk and Jozef Keulartz (eds). Animal Ethics in the Age of Humans: Blurring Boundaries in Human-Animal Relationships. Springer, 225–239. 

Donaldson, S. and Kymlicka, W., 2016. “Make It So: Envisioning the Zoopolitical Revolution.” In Paola Cavalieri (ed). Philosophy and the Politics of Animal Liberation. Palgrave Macmillan, 71–116. 

Donaldson, S. and Kymlicka, W., 2016. “Rethinking Membership and Participation in an Inclusive Democracy: Cognitive Disability, Children, Animals.” In Barbara Arneil and Nancy Hirschmann (eds).  Disability and Political Theory. Cambridge University Press, 168–197.

Kymlicka, W. and Donaldson, S., 2016. Locating Animals in Political Philosophy. Philosophy Compass, 11(11): 692–701. 

Milburn, J. 2016. Chewing Over In Vitro Meat: Animal Ethics, Cannibalism and Social ProgressRes Publica, 22(3): 249–265. 

Neimanis, A. and Bailey, C., 2016. Editorial Introduction: Becoming Ecofeminisms/Devenirs écoféministesPhaenEx, 11(1), pp.i-vi.

Pepper, A. 2016. Beyond Anthropocentrism: Cosmopolitanism and Nonhuman Animals. Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric, 9(2). 

Food, Justice, and Animals

"In Food, Justice, and Animals: Feeding the World Respectfully, Josh Milburn questions if the vegan food system risks cutting off many people's pursuit of the 'good life', risks exacerbating food injustices, and risks negative outcomes for animals. If so, then maybe non-vegan food systems would be preferable to vegan food systems, if they could respect animal rights."

Written by APPLE fellow Josh Milburn (Oxford University Press)

Just Fodder

"Just Fodder answers ethical and political questions arising from thinking about animals as eaters. Josh Milburn begins with practical dilemmas about feeding the animals closest to us, our pets or animal companions. The questions grow more complicated as he considers relationships with more distance - questions about whether and how to feed garden birds, farmland animals who would eat our crops, and wild animals. Milburn evaluates the nature and circumstances of our relationships with animals to generate a novel theory of animal rights."

Written by APPLE fellow Josh Milburn (McGill-Queens University Press)

The Ethics of Animal Shelters

“Ethical dilemmas and decision-making are a persistent feature of the everyday operations of animal shelters and animal protection organizations. These organizations frequently face difficult decisions about how to treat the animals in their care, decisions that are made all the more difficult by limited funding, material resources, and human labor. Moreover, animal protection organizations must also determine how to act within and toward the wider social and institutional environment in which non-human animals are routinely exploited.”

Edited by APPLE fellow Angie Pepper, with Valéry Giroux and Kristin Voigt. (Oxford University Press, 2023).

Wild Animal Ethics

“Though many ethicists have the intuition that we should leave nature alone, Kyle Johannsen argues that we have a duty to research safe ways of providing large-scale assistance to wild animals. Using concepts from moral and political philosophy to analyze the issue of wild animal suffering (WAS), Johannsen explores how a collective, institutional obligation to assist wild animals should be understood. He claims that with enough research, genetic editing may one day give us the power to safely intervene without perpetually interfering with wild animals’ liberties.”

Written by APPLE fellow Kyle Johannsen. (Routledge, 2020)

Animal Labour

“For centuries, animals have worked alongside humans in a wide variety of workplaces, yet they are rarely recognized as workers or accorded labour rights. Many animal rights advocates have argued that using animals for their labour is inherently oppressive, and that animal labour should therefore be abolished. Recently, however, some people have argued that work can be a source of meaning, self-development, and social membership for animals, as it is for humans, and that our goal should be to create good work for animals, not to abolish work. In this volume, an international and interdisciplinary group of scholars explores the benefits and drawbacks of animal labour as a site for interspecies justice.”

Edited by APPLE fellows Charlotte E. Blattner and Will Kymlicka, as well as Kendra Coulter. (Oxford University Press, 2020)

Messy Eating

“The collection explores how authors working across a range of perspectives—postcolonial, Indigenous, black, queer, trans, feminist, disability, poststructuralist, posthumanist, and multispecies—weave their theoretical and political orientations with daily, intimate, and visceral practices of food consumption, preparation, and ingestion.”

Edited by APPLE fellow Samantha King as well as R. Scott Carey, Isabel Macquarrie, Victoria Niva Millious and Elaine M. Power. (Fordham University Press, 2019)

Protecting Animals Within And Across Borders

“The heart of the work is a fully-fledged catalogue of options for extraterritorial jurisdiction, which states can employ to strengthen their animal laws. The book offers top-down perspectives drawn from general international law and trade law, and complements them by a bottom-up up view from the perspective of animal law. The approach connects the law of jurisdiction to substantive law and opens up deeper questions about moral directionality, state and corporate duties owed animals, and the comparative advantages of constitutional, criminal, and administrative animal law.”

Written by APPLE fellow Charlotte E. Blattner (Oxford University Press, 2019).