Reading Group

Paulina Siemieniec is coordinator of the Animal Studies Reading Group and the Animal Studies Work-in-Progress Group. She also distributes a monthly newsletter of APPLE events. If you would like to join either group, or be added to the email list, please write to Paulina at

Note that most meetings will continue to be online via zoom. New and distant participants are most welcome!


Every year Fellows from the Animals in Philosophy, Politics, Law, and Ethics research group (APPLE) discuss a range of readings. 

Summer 2024

Winter 2024

Fall 2023

Summer 2023

Winter 2023

Fall 2022

Summer 2022

Winter 2022

Fall 2021

Winter 2021

Fall 2020

Winter 2020

Fall 2019

Winter 2019

What Would Animals Say if We Asked the Right Questions

Fall 2018

Animals as Legal Beings

Deckha, Maneesha., (forthcoming). Animals As Legal Beings: Creating A Postanthropocentric Legal Subjectivity.

Winter 2018

Book Cover: Beasts of Burden

Taylor, Sunaura., (2017). Beasts of Burden. Animal and Disability Liberation. The New Press. 

Fall 2017

Book Cover: The Political Turn in Animal Ethics

O’Sullivan, Siobhan and Garner, Robert., (eds). (2016). The Political Turn in Animal Ethics

Kymlicka, Will., (2017). [Review] Robert Garner and Siobhan O’Sullivan (eds). The Political Turn in Animal Ethics. Rowman and LittlefieldAnimal Studies Journal, 6(1): 175-181.

Winter 2017

Book Cover: Philosophy and The Politics

Cavalieri, Paola., (ed). (2016). Philosophy and the Politics of Animal Liberation

Fall 2016

Book Cover: Animals Work

Goat looks at the camera (WAM30586)

We Animals Media (WAM30586)