Portrait of Hilal Sezgin

Hilal Sezgin

Independent Researcher, Publicist and Writer

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Hilal Sezgin is an independent researcher, publicist and writer of both fiction and non-fiction. Her main topics are animal rights and animal ethics, which are inspired by her Frankfurt School background as well as by feminist ethics. Based in rural Northern Germany, she runs a small private sanctuary for mostly elderly sheeps. This led her to thinking and writing about moral conflicts which arise out of actual situations of care (euthanasia, parentalism, autonomy of the cared-for, internalized speciesism) and about difficult moral decisions in dealing with „wild“ animals. Her most recent book tells of sanctuary life with a main focus on ageing and disabilities. Currently, she tries to figure out how one can support environmentalism and theorize rights of nature without losing sight of the individual rights of more-than-human animals. Her podcast “Lektüren mit Tieren” (“Readings with Animals”) discusses non-fiction books which either speak about, or neglect in a significant way, more-than-human animals.