Portrait of Paulina Siemieniec

Paulina Siemieniec

PhD Candidate

People Directory Affiliation Category

Paulina Siemieniec is a PhD candidate in the Philosophy Department at Queen’s, working under the supervision of Will Kymlicka. Her doctoral research applies disability and feminist care theory to the political agency debate about animals. Her theoretical work is informed by the ethnographic research she has been conducting since 2019 as a volunteer caregiver at Sandy Pines Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre. She proposes using a 'political accessibility' framework and thinking about care as a main site of political agency enablement and the practice of dialogical caregiving as the methodology for concretely enabling it. Paulina was the 2023 Visiting Research Fellow at the Cambridge Centre for Animal Rights Law, where she began developing a theory of sexual and reproductive rights for animals. Paulina is the coordinator of the Animals in Philosophy, Politics, Law, and Ethics (APPLE) reading group, the work-in-progress animal studies research reading group, the disability and accessibility graduate student network, and the editor of the APPLE newsletter. You can contact Paulina by email: 13PS75@queensu.ca